
Configure sphinxmark in your file.

  1. Add sphinxmark to the list of extensions:

    extensions = ['sphinxmark']
  2. If you are using a custom image file, specify its directory relative to the file. If no value is given, the path defaults to _static.

    html_static_path = ['_static']
  3. Enable sphinxmark and set options as required:

    sphinxmark_enable = True
    sphinxmark_div = 'default'
    sphinxmark_image = 'text'
    sphinxmark_text = 'Pre-Release'
    sphinxmark_text_size = 80
  4. If you define html_context in your, you must add the sphinxmark.css style sheet to it.

    html_context = {
      'css_files': [
        '_static/bespoke.css',  # custom CSS styling
        '_static/sphinxmark.css',  # watermark styling