========== remotecode ========== **remotecode** is an extension for Sphinx that enables code blocks from remote sources. Usage ~~~~~ #. :ref:`Install chios `, then add **remotecode** to the list of extensions in ``conf.py``: .. code:: extensions = ['chios.remotecode'] #. Use the ``remote-code-block`` directive to fetch remote source code and display it in a ``code-block``. .. code:: .. remote-code-block:: ini https://example.com/rawsource.ini Troubleshooting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If a ``remote-code-block`` is empty in the HTML output, it is likely that the given link could not be resolved. Check the Sphinx build messages for a warning: .. code:: index.rst:32: WARNING: Unable to resolve https://example.ini Code listing ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. automodule:: remotecode :members: