========== bolditalic ========== **bolditalic** is an extension for Sphinx that enables inline bold + italic text styling. Usage ~~~~~ #. :ref:`Install chios `, then add **bolditalic** to the list of extensions in ``conf.py``: .. code:: extensions = ['chios.bolditalic'] #. Use the ``bolditalic`` role to style text: .. code:: The end of this sentence :bolditalic:`displays in bold and italic`. .. important:: If you define ``html_context`` in your ``conf.py``, you must add the ``bolditalic.css`` style sheet to it. **Example** .. code:: html_context = { 'css_files': [ '_static/bespoke.css', # custom CSS styling '_static/bolditalic.css', # bolditalic styling ], } Code listing ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. automodule:: bolditalic :members: